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Easton, Bethlehem, AND Allentown Criminal Defense.
Easton, Bethlehem, and Allentown Criminal Defense Attorney Mark Minotti. Experience When You Need It.
When dealing with criminal charges, no matter whether they are pertaining to a felony or misdemeanor, having an aggressive defense is not only desirable, but often essential. This is not a time when you should attempt to handle your current situation on your own. You need to be swift in consulting with an experienced Easton, Bethlehem, and Allentown criminal defense attorney.
These cases are fast paced, and if you do not have aggressive legal representation, you can easily fall behind. Mark Minotti is proud to serve clients throughout Easton, Bethlehem, and Allentown with high quality assistance in cases involving criminal defense. Mark Minotti recognizes what is on the line with these situations and is devoted to ensuring that he goes the distance in providing his clients with hard hitting representation that they can truly count on.